#037 Starting 2024 Right: Tips for Releasing Last Year and Embracing New Goals

Do you ever feel like you're carrying the weight of the previous year into the new one? 
How do you make space for new goals and dreams when your mind is still cluttered with the past?

Today's video is all about preparing for the New Year 🎉 by shedding this year's energy to create a welcoming space for your future goals.

Think of it as decluttering a closet filled with items you no longer need. So, gear up to clear out the old and open your life to the exciting possibilities that await you in the New Year.

Today, we're diving into Starting 2024 Right: Tips for Releasing Last Year and Embracing New Goals. I'll be your guide as I walk you through a few practical techniques to release pressure, shift your internal narratives, and give yourself the green light to prioritize your happiness.

Meditation Mondays ➡️ https://www.jackiesenatore.com/membership
CLEAR Course (All-Access Pass Includes Membership) ➡️ https://www.jackiesenatore.com/clear

Here are FREE ways to get started:
⚡️FREE Money Workbook:  ➡︎ https://www.jackiesenatore.com/moneyworkbook
⚡️FREE Energy Shifter Experience:  ➡︎ https://www.jackiesenatore.com/energyshifter

My mission here is to assist holistic, driven entrepreneurs in clearing their energy so they can create a life they truly love. When health challenges, relationship issues, or old belief systems are in the way, there isn't any space to allow what you desire to come in. I am dedicated to showing you how to identify and clear these blocks yourself.

Disclaimer: The guidance and information provided is intended for educational purposes only. They are not intended to replace professional medical care.  If you are experiencing mental health symptoms or require healing support, please consult a qualified medical professional. Jackie Senatore or her team make no claims about healing or recovery from illnesses. Please use this information responsibly and at your own discretion.

Website: https://www.jackiesenatore.com/
Energy Shifter: https://www.jackiesenatore.com/energy...