What Are the Top 5 Secret Health Hacks to Conquer Cold and Flu Season?

Let's get real about cold and flu season. It's that time of year again, and it seems like everyone I know, including myself with four kids (11, 10, 8, and 2 years old), is either catching something or just getting over it. We're talking the usual suspects: flu, strep, ear infections - you name it. So, how do we keep ourselves healthy, or bounce back fast if we're already feeling under the weather?

Well, you're in luck because I'm about to share my personal top 5 health hacks. These are simple, down-to-earth tips that have worked for me and my family. They're easy to follow and can really make a difference in boosting your immune system or helping you recover quicker if you're already sick. Trust me, you don't want to miss this. Let's dive in and tackle this season head-on, together!

00:00 - Introduction
00:58 - Overview of the top 5 health hacks for boosting the immune system
01:42 - Health Hack #1: Zinc and Elderberry
03:10 - Health Hack #2: Red Light Therapy Lamp
05:17 - Health Hack #3: Juicing
07:23 - Health Hack #4: Halo Therapy
09:35 - Health Hack #5: Energy Healing and Meditation

Resources mentioned in this episode:

➡️ Vital Red Light - https://vitalredlight.com/
➡️ ➡️ Use the Code - JACKIE

➡️ Clear Light HaloOne: https://healwithheat.com/accessories/...
➡️ ➡️ Use the Code - JACKIE

➡️ Zinc Vimergy: https://amzn.to/3RSMMVH
➡️ Zinc Vimergy Kids: https://amzn.to/3O0jhQD
➡️ Elderberry Zinc Lozenges: https://amzn.to/3RUXn2D

➡️ Recipe for Flu Fight:
➡️ ➡️ 8 Carrots
➡️ ➡️ 2 Apples (one green one red)
➡️ ➡️ One lemon (peeled)
➡️ ➡️ 1-2inch pieces of Ginger

All Products and Courses to apply this work to your life is below.
Meditation Mondays ➡️ https://www.jackiesenatore.com/membership
CLEAR Course (All-Access Pass Includes Membership) ➡️ https://www.jackiesenatore.com/clear

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Facebook: ➡︎  https://www.jackiesenatore.com/clear
IG: ➡︎  https://www.instagram.com/jackiesenatore/

Subscribe and Listen to the The Jackie Senatore Show HERE:📱
➡︎Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-jackie-senatore-show/id1506756146
➡︎Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6txcJHFeLh2u7TCj4QfDnK

Here are FREE ways to get started:
⚡️FREE Money Workbook:  ➡︎ https://www.jackiesenatore.com/moneyworkbook
⚡️FREE Energy Shifter Experience:  ➡︎ https://www.jackiesenatore.com/energyshifter

What I Use For Video Editing:
🔥 Weekly Chops + 30 Days of YT Helper Free ➡️ https://vidchops.samcart.com/products/weekly-chops-and-yt-helper

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My mission here is to assist holistic, driven entrepreneurs in clearing their energy so they can create a life they truly love. When health challenges, relationship issues, or old belief systems are in the way, there isn't any space to allow what you desire to come in. I am dedicated to showing you how to identify and clear these blocks yourself.

Disclaimer: The guidance and information provided is intended for educational purposes only. They are not intended to replace professional medical care.  If you are experiencing mental health symptoms or require healing support, please consult a qualified medical professional. Jackie Senatore or her team make no claims about healing or recovery from illnesses. Please use this information responsibly and at your own discretion.


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